Archive for September, 2010
Let’s Talk Coverage of My ME/CFS
Posted by jonhinch in In The Press, M.E./C.F.S on 23 September 2010
In August 2010 Let’s Talk Magazine covered my continuing ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) improvements. I am still not 100% but my life has changed significantly since I started using the principles of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy on myself. I have always been a positive person, or so I thought but I didn’t realise I could be so much more positive.
If you want to find out more about how I can help ME Sufferers please call me on 01857 600708. Don’t suffer unnecessarily for years like I did. Read the rest of this entry »
Transgenders Issues
Posted by jonhinch in Transgender on 21 September 2010
Are you someone currently exploring your gender?
Are you struggling to come to terms with someone in your family changing sex or cross dressing?
Jon Hinchliffe Hypnotherapy is a safe place to come and discuss all issues of Transsexualism, transvestitism.
I am not qualified to evaluate potential transexuals and I would not use any hypnosis to explore gender issues. I can however talk through the issues. I can help friends and family come to terms with the changes and help them to understand that you are still you.
I work mainly in a future oriented way so if you have other issues and don’t want to go into certain areas of your past you are again safe with me.
A good starting place for help is the Gender Trust