“Things are good thanks, I am still clenching and grinding but I think its alot less now which is good. I am in less pain and find my sleep is alot more restful. So yeah I definitely see an improvement which is great thanks. Thanks for all your help and guidance and for all the great advice you have given me. I learnt so much from just our one session and think that its helped so much.” C.B.
I saw Jon six months ago in a free session having won his prize draw and since that time I am coping a lot better with life, especially as I have experienced some major life changes. My anxiety levels still vary but I use the things I have been taught. I manage stress by rationalising it and remembering how to use the tools I now have. I am more assertive and able to say my ‘thing’ better, both at home and at work. I still struggle with my weight a little but I don’t seem to comfort eat as much lately and I have lost around a stone. It has been very slow, but without any real effort or ‘dieting’. Not bad for one sessions work! L.S.
I have had ME for 20 years, and although my health has improved a lot over the years, I was becoming very despondent about the lack of further progress. Then I met Jon! I found the hypnosis deeply relaxing, and immediately felt better physically and mentally. Over the summer, I have tackled projects which I would have found too difficult before and I enjoy life much more. Several friends have noticed the change in me. Now, when I notice my old attitudes to my symptoms, it’s easy to change them, and I now have far fewer symptoms than I had before. Thank you, Jon!
I came out of therapy with a strange feeling.. almost like I’d forgotten something or left something behind.. I had.. my anger! It was amazing! The way I spoke was even different.. I would hear myself and stop to think.. wow.. and remember what I would have sounded like before.
It is worth noting that hypnosis was in fact used in this case. The hypnosis was so conversational and the trance so light that it was not noticed.
Dear Jon. I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me after I lost my mum. It was affecting me in my work and after the one session I had with you I felt much better. It has helped me a lot and really shown me the way forward. Thanks
The following was recieved via text and is reproduced with permission as are all the testimonials here
Hi ya, I have waited to ring you while I saw how things went and now I can report good things! The day after our session someone offered me a cup of tea and I asked for little milk and no sugar. I have never had tea without sugar, ever!
I have turned a corner, about time! Plus I feel extremely positive. 5 weeks ago I joined a slimming club and I have lost the 1st stone. I have enjoyed the change of eating routine and no chocolate has passed my lips for 4 to 6 weeks. It is very strange I have said to people its like something has changed in me. I didn’t like the road I was on and now I feel very happy with the change. One question, what did you say to me in those minutes?
I am very happy!
I went to see Jon when I was struggling to deal with many personal issues in my life involving relationships and finances etc. Obviously Jon did not make these problems go away but through his help and guidance I developed methods of dealing with them so that they did not control me. His help in doing this was invaluable to me and he certainly saved me from self destruct. I would advise anyone to see Jon for hypnosis as they will find a non judgemental but helpful guide who will guide them to finding solutions or ways of coping. Thank you for all your support and help Jon!
Having been diagnosed with Asthma from the age of 4 my life has been quite difficult to manage. The main trigger for my asthma attacks was my allergy to Cats. When I would visit a house with Cats I would find that within 15 minutes I would experience allergic reactions that would become unbearable and would ether have to leave the house or sit as close to an open window as possible. The reactions would always start with tightness of my chest then sneezing, itchy throat, itchy eyes and then wheezing the only thing that would relive these symptoms was fresh air and my inhaler.
Having lived with these symptoms for 24 years I thought that nothing could be done, after speaking with Jon he said that he may be able to help. I was very sceptical as the doctors had tried many medications to relieve my symptoms and I was lead to believe that it was incurable.
After having one session with Jon I still felt sceptical but very keen to try out the treatment so I visited my friends house (who has cats) I was there for a the usual 15 minute and my breathing became a problem, but there where no other symptoms no sneezing, no itchy irritations. I did have to take my medication to relive the tightness of my chest and the wheezing that had happened after this visit. Another week passed and I had to visit another house with cats, this time I was amazed! I was even waiting for the symptoms to start and they didn’t, I stayed at this house which I had been many times before and had problems, I was there this time for three hours and had no symptoms. I found this life changing and so has every one around me, If I can become allergen free then I will have no problems in visiting any ones house again and wouldn’t have to worry about making sure I had my medication with me all the time.
Thank you Jon
For 7 years I had a problem where 2 or 3 times a night I found myself at the fridge eating. Mostly I had no awareness of this until I was actually eating. I researched the subject and even joined a hypnotherapy course to try and solve this problem for myself but for 7 year it was the same every night. It has caused me to gain weight and caused problems with my teeth. I met Jon on a course in Thailand and told him of my troubles and he agreed to do a hypnotherapy session for me. I found the session very powerful and felt changed straight away. That night for the first time I didn’t find myself waking up and eating. I am pleased to say I have not had trouble since. Happy, thanks Jon.
“Jon was one of our most committed trainees and has been determined in his efforts to develop his abilities further so that he may help others. This is the foundation on which all good therapy is built. I have no doubt that he will change the lives of the clients he works with and help them overcome their personal challenges and difficulties. The fact that Jon is continually monitoring his own skill level, pushing himself both personally and professionally further and further and then updating his therapeutic skills accordingly, demonstrates that he is a therapist who cares deeply about the people who seek his help. I don’t think he would ever be happy giving less than 100% of himself as a therapist. Stephen Brooks September 26, 2009
Stephen Brooks , Psychotherapist and Trainer , British Hypnosis Research
taught Jon at British Hypnosis Research