Archive for April, 2009
Controlling Your Emotions – Article written for “The Higgler”
Posted by jonhinch in Published Articles on 2 April 2009
Hypnotic Corner by hypnotherapist Jon Hinchliffe
Have you ever felt your emotions control your life? Well here are a few tips to help you to control your emotions.
Would you like to be able to decide what emotion you will experience next? Don’t believe it is possible? Let me show you how.
First of all notice what you are feeling right now. Now think of the happiest memory you have. Think about what was happening in as much detail as you can. Now notice how this makes you feel. How much happier are you feeling now?
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Headaches? – Why not try this method for clearing one?
Posted by jonhinch in Published Articles on 2 April 2009
Published in “The Higgler”
Hypnotic Corner by hypnotherapist Jon Hinchliffe
Headaches? – Why not try this method for clearing one?
If you get a headache occasionally it is easy to just pop a pill. What happens if you don’t have any pills and would like to have a clear head? I have had surprisingly good success at helping people using the following method. If you have a stubborn or prolonged headache please refer it to a doctor and consider if you need to get your eyes tested. Pain is a warning sign so should only be removed if everything that should and could be done has been done.
• In words, describe the size and position of your ache. E.g. Right side, near the front and tennis ball sized.
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Interview Advice published in “The Higgler”
Posted by jonhinch in Published Articles on 2 April 2009
Hypnotic Corner by hypnotherapist Jon Hinchliffe
Redundant? How to prepare for your first job interviews in years.
With the UK officially in recession it is inevitable that some of us will find ourselves redundant, facing the terrifying prospect of job interviews for perhaps the first time since leaving school. Using some tips from the field of hypnosis can change the terrifying prospect to a challenging one and then a comfortable, successful one.
Before the interview:
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